Rosemary and Garlic Salt

Burnt Thyme- Beth Reed
4 min readJan 8, 2022

I somehow skipped November and December. Between being busy with work, emotional drained and all the new, not new pandemic news, I felt like I was empty and had nothing left to share. I wanted to share a recipe my Italian godmother taught me years ago, but felt like no one would care, or there was no purpose. The news is so overwhelming, the alerts are endless and it feels like there is no end in sight. Another ‘breaking news’ story shares 1. Get Vaccinated 2. Get your Booster 3. Wear a Mask. How could this be the breaking news?! Regulations we know work are now breaking news 22 months into this pandemic? It was at this point I realized I need to stop worrying about other people and focus on what I do, have still been doing and remember what makes me happy and motivated.

I have been vaccinated, boosted and haven’t stopped wearing my mask, I teach all day in a KN95, sometimes doubled and am floored, or maybe not anymore, that people can’t wear a mask inside or still won’t get vaccinated. When it felt like there was a potential beginning to the end, that end feels distant again. When I want to preach and shout from the roof tops about how we can collectively work to end this, I have to realize that I can’t control others and can only do what I can to stay safe. I don’t know if it is because some people haven't been through a personal trauma or they haven’t seen a personal impact of this deadly virus that they think they are untouchable and invincible, but it is draining to entertain the ignorance.

I need to focus on the positive and try to not let the selfishness and ridiculousness of others dim my light. Surviving cancer taught me how to fight and stay alive and do my part and I will continue to do so.

COVID has also spiked my PTSD from cancer treatment with the isolation, masks and testing, the parallels are uncanny, but I still do it, even though it is hard and at times feels impossible.

So as we continue on living in pandemic conditions, I am once again focusing on controlling what I can control and bringing my passion to write and share recipes back to life.

I originally tried to start a virtual vegan cooking club by sharing a monthly recipe and encouraging others to make it and share pictures, but it never quite took off, with this being a passion project of mine I don’t have the time to promote daily or the following to share widely, but it does bring my joy and one of the reasons I started to blog or write in the first place was to share vegan recipes and encourage more plant based eating. With that being said, I present a simple recipe for Rosemary and Garlic Salt, thanks to my godmother Luigia. I love this seasoning so much and it can be made in bulk and stored on your counter to add a savory and umami flavor to any dish.

Large bunch of fresh rosemary
5–6 cloves of garlic
2 Table spoons of pink salt, adjust less or more to your liking

Remove the rosemary leaves from the sprig
Peel the garlic and rough chop
Add the roughly chopped garlic to the rosemary and finely chop until totally incorporated and sticky
Add the salt and continue to chop
Place in a tea towel and dry overnight
When the garlic and rosemary are dry add to a jar and seal tightly
Add to any recipe for an earthy and uplifting addition.



Burnt Thyme- Beth Reed

Instead of burning time worrying, I rather be in the kitchen surrounded by food and flavors. Facing anxiety through cooking and getting that burnt time back.